♡About my post schedule & Introduction♡

 Greetings, hello my dear readers! 

    Welcome! Here on my first post on this blog, I would like to tell you tiny bits about myselfツ

    As you can read on my 'About Me' column, my name is Angela Kwee and I was born in Indonesia. I am now in my senior year of High School.

    To be honest with you guys, being in a senior year + pandemic = disaster! I barely understand my school subjects because almost every single time there will be some unexpected errors and hurdles (internet connection, application crashing, etc.).

    But stay calm!! Everyone have it tough during this crucial time☺ So, it's better to stop complaining and keep up the positivity by keeping your work-life balance  and reading my blogs to come :D

    Okay, back to the topic about myself~

    Indonesian is obviously my mother tongue, while English is my second. My English is..errr... kind of pretty good in my current school, but very standard compared to native speakers (needless to say). It's even worse after 3 years of not using it daily, therefore I try to maintain it by reading lots and lotsss of (mostly) Chinese translated books (or you can simply call it romance novels LOL) (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)Just kidding, y'all! Well, this actually counts as half truth though. The main reason I have been on a reading marathon is because一 SCHOOL WORKS ARE VERY STRESSFUL!!! 

    Just yesterday I learned about the word "burned out" from one of Instagram content creator that I follow on Instagram, who is also a BTS ARMY btw! hehehe..

A brief description on "Burnout" º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

    Anyway, so that is how I keep on going through my stressful days, weeks, and months (: I'm pretty sure you have one too! Reading all of those pile of books made me think, "It will be wonderful if I can translate one too!" Truthfully, I had had this thoughts quite since a while ago but had not had the chance and time to actually realize this small yet big sprouting enthusiasm ((´д`))! And now that I have the chance, time, and courage, I might as well as just do it in one go~~

    However, it seems like I overestimated myself (ToT) *Ouch!*

    Translating is a hard task to do. Moreover, Chinese is but also not my third language since the characters that I can read and recognize are only tens out of thousands of them :'D I have done a Chinese tutor, and despite all of that I still can't smoothly blend in with the language as I never use it daily. Language needs daily practice, people! 

    In contrast, my Korean is a little bit better than my Chinese even though everything are self-taught. You must be wondering 'How', right? Me too! HAHAHAAHAHA (T▽T) Perhaps because in reality, Korean is indeed way much more easier than Chinese dan Japanese (based on my own experience learning the three and in my Korean ability level as a comparison (':)

    All in all, doing this project is my first try and I, of course, want to do a great job. I'm trying my best-est in my thriving limited abilities to translate this book correctly T.T (Thank you Google Translate, Pleco, and Naver Dictionary for your help, and also my friends if I ever asked for your help later 헤헤헤헤. I mean it 77777%!!!)

    I will tell you a secret that only some of my close friends knew before: My dream is to speak Korean, Chinese, and Japanese in moderate level, not mastering them is totally okay, as long as I can speak, read and write without struggling ㅋᄏᆿᄏㅋ After that, what? I will be a translator in BTS and Blackpink's Indonesian, Japanese, and Chinese (hopefully someday) tour(s) in the future o(^▽^)o ⇠⇠⇠ The reason to that is, to get FREE VVIP concert tickets and meet them face to face in a close distance! Aren't I smart? ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ So, this is what people call as Killing Two Three Birds With One Stone? Hmm...

    Lastly, translation schedule~!
    I will update once every week and at the very least once a month *fingers crossed* IF there is nothing contradicting me to do so (such as school works, again) because this is not my top priority :)

To end today's post, here is Fei's question of the day: 

What is/are your de-stressing relief(s) to keep you sane throughout this '一from home' situation?

Please do share your way of de-stressing in the comment section ♥️ Thank you!


Find me on:
Instagram @Pretty.regenblume


  1. Eat is the only way, haha

    1. Hahaha True!! Me too as well :p Thank you for reading!

  2. listening to music in general and finding new music:D

    1. Aww.. I just realized that I did this too indirectly! What kind of music genre(s) do you like?

      Psstt-! You can also look forward to BTS' new album (BE) with the title track 'Life Goes On' on the 20th of this month, if by chance there's any of their songs touched you! ♡(∩_∩)♡

  3. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure the majority of high school seniors are stressing out TT Also, regarding your QOTD, I think I've been seeking reality escape in youtube videos and podcasts recently. Listening to people talking about true crime or current problems of the world have been a really good brain work out. You should try it one day ✨✨

    1. First of all, thank you for understanding me as a fellow high school student QAQ

      Oh, podcast! I've listened to this a LOT these days. It's just that true crimes topics... are just not my kind of taste because I could get even more stressed with nightmares every night T.T (this seriously happens to me every SINGLE time I come and visit Nessie Judge's podcasts or/and YouTube videos. But I get you how addicting it is! HAHAHAAHA)

      Ah.. I probably will resume seeing and listening to them once I get enough sleep this time around.. *sigh*

    2. I feel you XD I experienced that once and now thinking back it isn't that scary lol ;))

      Maybe you can look into commentary channels? They talk about things I wouldn't have known if I were to not watch them. It just *opens my eyes*

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    its much great intro for the first post podcast wkwkwk

  5. Of course, fangirlan dong 🤣🤣

  6. Playing Angry Birds. Keeps the gears rolling. Hi Fei, great to see a fellow Indonesian translating novels. Kudos! Looking forward reading your works.


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