My One And Only Love/ Exclusive Memory (Somewhere Only We Know) — 独家记忆 Chapter 1 Part 4

G r e e t i n g s , h e l l o m y d e a r r e a d e r s ! Knock, knock! Weekly update is here 😊❁~ In the previous chapter, we found out how charming Mu Chenghe was to everyone. It seemed like our Xue Tong's bad first meeting with our teacher Mu was pretty deeply engraved in her heart that she still can't let go and partly embarrassed... Is it finally going to change for the better this time? Keep on reading to find out~ ꈍ .̮ ꈍ Chapter 1 Part 4: Mr. Beaver VS Miss Astro Boy Translated by Fei斐 & Proofread by Fanie In addition to English and Chinese, many languages had coronal consonants soundsー there was [р] in the Russian alphabet. When a person cannot pronounce the sound [р], it would sounded like [л]. The [л] pronunciation was similar to the letter "L". Chen Ting had taught it several times in class before. I didn't know how to do it, but Bai Lin and th...